Adjusting to New Normal (Tips)
Covid 19 has changed the life and lifestyle of everyone. It’s not only about the emotions of adults, our kids are feeling even more puzzled. They can’t go to school, they can’t meet their friends, they can no longer go to the playground despite the pleasant weather.
They are absolutely right at their own place, but we as caring adults should responsibly engage our kids in the New Normal lifestyle with these simple tips.
Simply explain
Explain (according to their age) to your children that the things will be little different in new normal.
They can call friends, go for bike ride, hang out with family, practice their favorite activities, enjoy being outdoors, can visit few places, attend small gatherings, visit a doctor etc. But to restart the activities of new normal they need to learn how to be safe with social distancing and care.
Talk to them
Talk about how they are feeling so they can discuss any concerns and make a plan together to address them. Example: ‘What changes have been the hardest for you?’
Be aware of their emotions
Validate your children’s emotions, respond to their feelings (maybe negative) and explain them the whole new way of life.
Teach them self care steps
Reassure that they follow basic self care steps like washing their hands, trying not to touch their face, and wearing a mask in public to keep themselves and others safe.
Be an example
Accepting ‘New Normal’ means we are accepting our current reality. So this acceptance, frees us from the constraints of denial, and help us move forward in life with more strength and resilience than ever.
Children can only do the right thing, if they are shown the right thing, so being an example for your children, by demonstrating how to engage in positive attitude and infection prevention, we can help them accept new normal positively
Make family time a ritual
This step is the most important one, it works as a therapy for all the family members. Fix a time for it. Do it daily. Decide different activities or indoor games for each day.
And in no time, following the positive attitude and hygiene children will develop this way of life as a positive habit.
Let’s stay safe, strong & positive and keep moving forward !